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Los Popitos Honduras

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Cup Characteristics: Caramel Sweetness, Orange like acidity, Buttery Body

Pedro Romero shows his leadership among the 80 Farm members of  COCAFCAL in the community of Las Capucas in Western Honduras.  On our visit this year, Pedro Antonio showed us around the Cooperative taking great pride in his contributions to the “Model Farm”.  This farm shows other farmers in the cooperative how they can diversify their plantings to include Pink Cedar Trees, ornamental plants, palms and a variety of fruit trees.  This environment allows the birds, frogs and squirrels to thrive.  By using no chemical pesticides this has encouraged the animal friendly environment and the Coop has gained it’s Organic, Rain Forest Alliance and Fair Trade certificates.

Having the determination to pick only the ripest cherries, using the honey fermentation process and his solar dryers has given his coffees a sweet acidity with a silky body that we are all loving!

Process: Honey
Varietal: Catuai
Region: Las Capucas, Copan 
Altitude: 1600 meters
Harvest Period: December through April
Producer: Pedro Antonio Romero

Other Details
Width: 3.50 (in)
Height 6.00 (in)
Depth 2.75 (in)
Shipping: Calculated at Checkout


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Written by Gabriela on 14th Aug 2014

Live in Seattle; order my coffee from Chocolate Fish

Best coffee ever. Spectacular beans. Perfect roasting. Superb service.